2241070440 Dionysiou Solomou 22, Rhodes christodouloumic@gmail.com




CHRISTODOULOU MICHAIL | Orthopedic Surgeon for Children & Adults Rhodes


Orthopedic surgeon CHRISTODOULOU MICHAIL maintains two modern clinics in Rhodes and provides high-level medical services every day, which begin with valid and accurate diagnosis and continue with conservative or surgical treatment of the problem.

The Clinics of Mr. Christodoulou Michael are located in Rhodes, at 22 Dionysiou Solomou Street and the other one in Archangelos, Stadiou and Demokratias Streets opposite AT Archangelos.






The Orthopedic Doctor Christodoulou Michael
He is fully trained in modern techniques and treats each case, whether it is difficult or easy, individually and with real interest.


to book your appointment at our clinic and we can help you with any orthopedic problem you are facing...