2241070440 Dionysiou Solomou 22, Rhodes christodouloumic@gmail.com




CHRISTODOULOU MICHAIL | Orthopedic Surgeon for Children & Adults Rhodes


Osteoarthritis affects all joints. It causes limitation of movement, pain and deformity. Osteoarthritis is divided into two categories: primary and secondary.It affects approximately 3.6% of the global population and 80% of patients are over 65 years of age. In the joint, it causes erosion of the cartilage layer, deformation of the adjacent bones and hypertrophy of the synovial membrane.

Dominant symptom is pain and is accompanied by stiffness and deformity.




The purpose of medical intervention is to reduce pain and restore functionality.In the mild forms and in the younger ages, the use of drugs, physical therapy and intra-articular injections is preferable. The choice of the above is adapted to the patient.

In more severe forms, surgical treatment with arthroplasty is appropriate. Arthroplasty now has many ways of application with increasingly better results with the last and quite widespread use of robotics.


to book your appointment at our clinic and we can help you with any orthopedic problem you are facing...